Covid-19 Employee Updates
EMPLOYEE INFORMATION Last Updated 3/20/2020
Phone number – 813-887-3030 ext. 115
Facebook –
Use these resources every day to get the most current Company Operations plan.
Company Operations
• All administrative employees are working from home voluntarily through 3/27/2020
• Company-wide updates will be sent out on work-from-home status every Thursday regarding the upcoming week
• All non-administrative employees will still work from the facility, as their work is hands-on and critical to the company
• Some administrative workers may be called in to help keep production running – please be prepared to pitch in and support this critical function
Company Cleaning Practices
In addition to the regular cleaning routines, the company is also:
• Cleaning high-touch points, such as doorknobs, chairs, bathrooms, and community tables every hour
• Urging operations employees to clean their safety glasses anytime they leave the production floor and prior to returning to your workstation. DO NOT SHARE SAFETY GLASSES!
• Sanitizer being used has been recommended by governmental health authorities to combat the virus
Health tips for at work
• Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (about the time it takes to sing happy birthday twice) at every opportunity
• Disinfect surfaces before and after using them (tables, handles, microwaves, vending machines)
• Don’t touch your face, eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
• Space yourselves out from each other as much as possible, with 6ft being the goal when that is possible
• Create distance while eating lunch or taking breaks. Use the conference room and outside as additional break spots
• Cough or sneeze into your elbow crease or into a tissue. Throw the tissue away, then wash your hands
• Do your part for keeping yourself and your coworkers healthy by cleaning the areas around you, even the common areas
• Utilize alternative office space if you share an office
• Avoid all in-person meetings at all costs. Use Teams meetings or conference calls. If an in-person meeting is unavoidable, maintain a 6 ft separation
Health Tips for at Home
• Clean frequently touched surfaces with your regular household disinfectants or make a bleach solution
• Wear a mask if you are caring for a sick family member and give them their own room and bathroom while they are ill, if possible
• Wash your hands before and after preparing food
• Have only one person go to the grocery store and clean bags and food containers before putting them away
• Practice social distancing
Travel tips & restrictions
• All business related air travel has been restricted for all employees until further notice
• When taking any public transportation, such as Uber or the bus, wash hands before and after, and try not to touch railings or your face
• CDC’s Level 3 travel warnings against non-essential travel apply to: China, cruise ship travel, Iran, Malaysia, Most European Countries (including Italy), South Korea, UK, Ireland, and Venezuela
• Department of State warns against all international travel due to lack of governmental resources
Know the Symptoms
Typical Symptoms:
• Fever
• Cough
• Shortness of Breath
Emergency Symptoms:
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
• New confusion or inability to arouse
• Bluish lips or face
Company Health Practices
Supervisors will meet with every employee on their team every morning in a private room after they clock in. You will be asked if you have any of the following symptoms: fever, chills, sore throat, cough, or shortness of breath. Yes or no should be answered for each symptom.
Company Health Policy
• All employees should stay home if they are experiencing any flu or Coronavirus symptoms – call the callout line at (813)887-3030 x115
• If you report that you are sick or answer yes to any questions above, you will immediately be sent home. Employees will follow up with their supervisor every morning to report their status by phone as long as they are exhibiting symptoms
• If you are out for 3+ days, you will need a doctor’s note to return to work
• Even if you have a doctor’s note, if you are still exhibiting any symptoms of the cold, flu, or Coronavirus you will not be permitted to return to work until you are symptom-free for 24 hours without medication
If you have identified yourself as a high-risk individual and you need further accommodations please contact HR at (813)887-3030 x105 or by email at [email protected]
Tips for Stress Reduction
• Talk with your household members about what your plans are for different scenarios that might happen, including an outbreak in your community and assess needs of each family member
• Limit your news intake
• Take a 30 minute walk, yoga, or exercise break
• Take a deep breath and visit the Calm Blog for guided meditations, calming music, plus much more –
• Eat healthy meals and connect with others to voice any concerns
• Have a 30 day supply of medications on hand
• Talk to your children about any of their fears –
• All employees have access to an Employee Assistance Program, which provides access to free, confidential help and free referrals to community resources. This is provided through Principal Disability Insurance. Contact information – | 800-450-1327
• If you, or someone you care about, are feeling overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression, or anxiety, or feel like you want to harm yourself or others call: 911, or Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746. (TTY 1-800-846-8517) or Crisis Center of Tampa Bay – Dial 211
Tips for Working from Home
• Get up and get dressed like you were coming to the office
• Choose a dedicated work station that is not your bed
• Maintain your regular work schedule and communication, then “leave work at work” and enjoy being at home
• Take precautions around web security at home
• Keep an eye on bandwidth, which may be more limited than usual due to the increased numbers of people working from home. Mobile data and networks will likely suffer the same issues
• Resist the temptation to use unfamiliar WiFi for work or private browsing
• Be aware of increased phishing and other forms of cyberattack through electronic communication
Child Care Tips
• Be mindful of the television and virus-related messaging they are being exposed to
• Help them be aware of truth vs fiction so they do not imagine situations as worse than they are
• If working from home and your child is home, make a schedule for them and plan activities and breaks. Create a color code sign system where they know when you are available for questions (where this is age appropriate)
• Child care options:
• If you are married to or co-parent with a first responder or medical professional, YMCA is offering child care at 20 locations throughout Tampa Bay. Call (727) 328-9622 for more information.
Governmental Assistance & Resources
• All fees have been waived by the government for COVID-19 (Coronavirus) testing.
• “SNAP” Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program –
• “WIC” Supplemental Nutrition for Women, Infants, and Children-
• All kids under the age of 18 are eligible for free breakfast and lunch that they would normally receive from school –
• Contact info for the Florida Department of Health:
• Florida Coronavirus call center: 1(866)779-6121
• Florida Coronavirus email: [email protected]
What else is the Company Doing?
Every day, governmental health department resources and reliable news networks are being monitored for updates. The company is dedicated to keeping up to date of all changes in the spread of the virus, prevention best practices, and how we can best take care of our employees during this time.
These websites include:
We recommend you also visit these websites so you can gain your own information.